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As Your Workforce Evolves, Trust Our 亚博真人官方版APP To Drive Better Outcomes 

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Quickly organize claims accurately, 一贯而有效地

With companies desperate to find talent to fill open roles, claims departments are buried in work with no lifeline in sight. One the biggest challenges of settling a claim is 组织 it. 在Enlyte, our demand package processing and management solutions automate this process, allowing your adjusters to confidently settle claims accurately, 一贯而有效地. 排序, 组织, and processing everything needed to identify any red flags or issues is very complex and time consuming, for new or experienced claims handlers. Automating this manual workload can help lessen the pressure on your employees, leading to a higher rate of employee satisfaction, lower rate of human errors and improving consistency in settlement negotiations.

Average attorney demand packages are between 150-200 pages. Typical demand document types may include: the attorney’s letter, 医疗费用, 医疗记录, 损坏的照片, 事故报告, 工资损失, 还有受伤照片. 使这个过程更加复杂, 65-70% of third-party 医疗费用 are non-standard and 45% are missing procedure and/or diagnosis codes.

Enlyte processes over 800,000 demands and 3.每年500多万张账单. Our automated solutions can help support adjusters’ decision-making processes by providing organized, fully coded documents in an easy-to-digest format, providing confidence when settling cases.

Outsource manual tasks with Enlyte's Demand Package Processing and Management 亚博真人官方版APP, such as:

  • 排序 through large and complex demands quickly

  • 搜索医疗代码

  • Finding red flags for inappropriate claims

  • Organizing 医疗费用 into one concise view



  • 医疗账单评估
  • Best suited for non-complex demands that do not include 医疗费用 and/or 医疗记录


  • 医疗账单评估 with an organized demand and 二级审核 by a certified coder
  • Recommended for demands with moderate to low complexity


  • 组织的需求, 医疗帐单审查, 二级审核, and nurse screening for potential utilization issues
  • Designed for demands with moderate to low complexity that can benefit from nurse review


  • 需要组织的需求, 医疗帐单审查 and nurse review with a narrative analysis of 医疗记录 (injury claim summary)
  • 针对超过1万美元的案件, 或者那些接受过度治疗的人, 差距, 多个专业, 医疗费用, and/or questionable causation issues

在目前的求职市场, next generation adjusters want best-in-class software to do their jobs, and top technology can help you attract top talent. This generation was raised with technology in their hands and is swift to adopt new tools to make their lives easier... Enlyte's best-in-class Demand Package Processing and Management 亚博真人官方版APP can help you attract and retain the talent needed on your claims handling team. 立即亚博真人官方版APP to discuss how our solutions can help make your settlement packages a little less demanding.
